Become Something Major at Millsaps

Every year, students across the country take their first step onto a college campus. These students often have a sense of what they want to do in terms of a career but the path to the career of their dreams may be challenging to find. At Millsaps College, we work to support students and offer a clear path through college and on to a successful life.
The Pathways program at Millsaps offers students a four-year exploration of academic interests, professional curiosity, and experiential learning. Six specialized tracks—Exploratory; Arts, Culture and Communications; Business; Health; Law, Politics and Social Leadership; and STEM and Data Science—give guidance and direction that help students build confidence, widen their network, and put their interests into practice.
The college’s location in the capital city of Jackson, Mississippi offers a broad range of internships, research and experiential learning opportunities, and connections to the state’s hub of business, medicine, law, government, and more.
When students are in a location where learning happens not only in the classroom but in the community, they thrive. They find practical applications for the courses of study found on campus, whether it be in medical research, business development, or policy making. This is the Millsaps difference, and it’s available to everyone.
Looking beyond the Jackson metropolitan area, Millsaps also supports students through one of the top study abroad programs in the country. Every year, students travel to the college’s business center in Merida, the capital city of Yucatán, Mexico for immersive studies in a new culture and business development. They participate in archaeological projects at the college’s 4,500 biocultural reserve in Kaxil Kiuic. Other programs in Peru, Taiwan, and across Europe engage students with issues, people, art and cultures that can’t be found on a college campus.
Beginning in fall 2023, the new Premier Scholarship also covers the full cost of tuition and fees for 16 promising students. It is the most competitive scholarship offered at Millsaps, and guarantees an experiential learning opportunity, study abroad experiences, paid internships, paid research assistance, or summer stipends to support fellowship programs. With the Premier Scholarship, students gain a competitive edge in employment, admission to graduate programs, and selection into prestigious post-graduate fellowships.
Like other colleges and universities, Millsaps College is a place where creative thinkers, solution finders, and future changemakers come to develop and hone their existing talents and skills. The difference is in how we help them do it.