Editor's Letter: Awaken 2022

Everything I know to be true, I see happen in my garden. Life grows best in good soil; pruning what is dead causes roots to grow deeper; everything blooms in its season and cannot be rushed. I genuinely believe that most life lessons are all found in the ground, and the ground is one of my favorite places. I feel most like myself when cultivating the earth with dirt under my manicured nails. Watching the seasons change in nature is a constant reminder that life goes on with or without our issues, and we always have an invitation to participate in the season. Stepping deeper into 2022 opens an invitation for us to see what we’ve learned and how far we’ve come.
Our Awaken issue is flooded with stories of people who have chosen to be in the season and grow deeper roots. One mom shares the clarity of discovering that the “witness—and “withness”—of the natural world” are life-giving, in contrast to what our first impressions might be (pg. 24). Sandal Gap Studio creates an inclusive space of creativity that invites everyone into art (pg. 54). Ryan Pierce surrenders to his passion and creates a career of true craftsmanship (pg. 78). For several years now, we have watched the talent of Chef Charity Morgan. Our team is thrilled to have her grace our cover and bring her recipes and creativity to your table. Her life-giving food and story are the perfect invitation to start something unexpected (pg. 66).
My word for 2022 is grace. In a world that can seem so chaotic, the rush to judge can be intense. I hope that we can all find more grace. Grace is in a garden, and it is in our stories. It is the part that feels like the invitation, and it is evergreen. I hope this issue is like a childhood birthday card that invites you to have more grace with yourself, eat a little better, and not be afraid to get your hands dirty.