Good Grit’s Favorite Things About Winter

There are a lot of things to love about the holiday season, but we each have our own favorite thing about Winter—the things that make our hearts smile. When the temperature drops, this is what our team looks forward to most!

Ashley - It’s citrus season!!!
Cat - Putting colorful lights all over my apartment and leaving them on all day and night.
SM - Curling up on my couch with all of the lights off except for the Christmas tree!
Shivani - Getting to slow down and put more emphasis on spending time with loved ones. Also how excited my dog gets in cold weather!
Rachel - When it ends.
Laura - Traveling and gathering people around the table for meaningful holidays! I love home—but I also know I’m carrying home with me when I travel with family!
Camlinh - Hearing Christmas music in the air everywhere I go.
Paisley - Nestling up by the fireplace with a bunch of blankets and relaxing with my friends!