6 Awesome things: A Good News Roundup

6 Awesome things: A Good News Roundup

In the midst of a crisis, we all come together and support each other. These people, businesses, and organizations are proving that we will make it through by working together.

1. Montage Palmetto Bluff

This stunning South Carolina resort has a program called Montage Merits, where kids staying at the resort complete activities like catching a fish or hiking a trail. They just launched an at-home version of this program, featuring activities like building a blanket fort, spotting a bird, writing a letter, or making dinner. This is a great resource for parents! Download the program here.

2. QED Hospitality

QED Hospitality manages eight food & beverage outlets in Nashville and New Orleans. When they realized they would have to close their restaurants during the quarantine, co-owners Emery Whalen and Brian Landry were devastated. They worried about how they could take care of their employees. In a twist of fate, Emery found out that her brother, Ralph Whalen, worked for a company named Divurgent that needed to immediately hire 250 people to help convert upcoming in-person doctor visits to TeleHealth appointments. Emery and Brian formed a new company, QED Resources, and 

were able to hire 107 of their QED Hospitality employees in new jobs as TeleHealth customer service agents. Within 5 days, roughly half of their full-time employees were trained and on the job/on payroll in their new positions.

3. Farm to Family

Fresh RX Kids and Boys & Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County knew that they had to do something to take care of the kids and families who were struggling to afford healthy meals after schools were canceled and grocery stores were emptied. Together, they developed Farm to Family, a program that will provide 

more than 4,000 children and families a week’s supply of farm-fresh produce, dry-goods and other household necessities. You can donate to their cause here

4. Visit Knoxville

Knoxville, Tennessee knows that traveling is not exactly on the top of everyone's to-do list right now, so they're bringing the city to you! You can keep updated with goings-on thanks to their fun blog, and even better—you can enjoy virtual experiences like visiting the zoo, touring a museum, or attending a concert!

5. Terence Lester

Terence Lester, a Creative Mornings speaker, recognized that the homeless population would have a harder time staying safe from the pandemic. To help, he set up hand-washing stations all across Atlanta.

6. Old Fourth Distillery

Old Fourth Distillery knew exactly how they could help in this time of need. They converted their distillery from alcohol into hand sanitizer production so they could serve the needs of First Responders working in and around Atlanta.