Entrepreneurs are often touted for their perseverance and resilience. The decision to go into business for one’s self is something that must be made with full commitment. You must be willing and able to invite hardship into your life for lunch, and end up with it sleeping on your couch for a while. Make note: this is all in a normal year of humanity. The circumstances of 2020 have forced many burgeoning businesses to close or postpone the leap into occupational-independence. For many, this year of mayhem has been a breaking point in enterprise. However, for others, it’s been a chance to showcase their fire-breathing spirit to go forth.
Enter, Nîmes Dill: owner of Birmingham, Alabama’s Bitty Beauty.
The mother of 2 darling daughters—Coraline and Penelope—Dill has made a habit of tearing through tradition and norms on her path to righteous achievement. The California-native is no stranger to going pushing against her given situation to unveil excellence. Shenanigans of 2020 aside, Dill has seen a life that can only be generously describes as ‘difficult.’ Group homes in her youth, becoming the victim of infidelity in her first marriage, being viewed as a disappointment to some of her more traditionally-centered Asian family; she has given hardship and discomfort their own room in her home. Even with all of that—and finishing up a pregnancy during a global health crisis earlier this year—Nîmes has found a way to harness the experiences she has endured in her life and turn them into a source of self-love, self-care, and self-trust for women all around her.
Bitty Beauty isn’t “just a beauty business.” It’s a BIG deal. “It’s a way I can empower and champion women,” says Dill. “Through this business, I’m able to sit and just talk with them. They just want to share what’s on their heart. I feel like I’ve been gifted from God an intuition that allows me to embrace and make these women feel welcome here and in their own bodies.” Nîmes uses Bitty Beauty to give women a reason to feel confident, stylish, and loved in their own skin. Utilizing her eyelash-prowess as a medium, she is able to share personal moments of pastoral-empowerment with the women she treats. Through these moments of conversation and curation, Nîmes has taken the current situation in our world to showcase how women can still be defiantly beautiful during such un-made-up times; inside and out. “I just love women, and I’m so glad that God has shown me through all that I’ve been through to be able to become someone who is passionate about making others see the gold in them.”
As the curtains fall on 2020, things are starting to resemble a bit of normalcy. While we may not know what the future holds for 2021, one thing is for certain: Nîmes Dill will be there to turn whatever it is into a little bit of resilient beauty.