The Life of a Club Kid

The Life of a Club Kid

Words by Ashley Hurst

This is Darnell Ramee, a second grader at Destin Elementary School.  He is a member of the Boys & Girls Club of the Emerald Coast as well as a recipient of Food For Thought. Darnell lives with his grandmother and has been a member of the BGCEC for 2 years, and it’s because of organizations like DCWAF that he has been able to thrive. He wants to be a police officer when he grows up so that he can help people and protect people who need help. He loves coming to the club because he can get on the computers and play games. He also comes during the summer and enjoys the various field trips to places he can have fun. Darnell has been able to make a lot of new friends, which has been good because there aren’t many kids his age in his neighborhood.

He has a 5 year old sister who lives with his mom in New Orleans. He wants to eventually live with his mom, but for now he likes living with his grandmother and being a club kid.  

His grandmother says, “The Boys & Girls Club takes their time with him and helps him with a lot of things. He is always coming home telling me all types of things they do and things he has learned.”